Leith & North:
Please email any news items to: news@leithandnorth.org.uk
From Lochend to Leith Links, the colours of Leith
Sunshine on Leith Salsa & Pipe band gave us green and the blue of
the Saltire; Edinburgh Samba School gave us scarlet, blue and white, with the
players clad in the blue and the white of the Saltire.

Left <<<: the Citadel continues to excite enthusiasm.
Right >>>:Samba dance break to party.
Above <<<: Children from the Citadel's Acorn group.
Left <<<: Edinburgh Samba School.
Right >>>:Dancers from Edinburgh Samba School heading
for a well earned rest.
Samba School web site >>>
Pipe Band web site>>>
Youth Centre web
site >>>