Leith theatre company, ACTive INquiry hosted a forum theatre event asking "Is Leith ready to join the Big Society?!". The event took place on May 11th, at St. James Church Hall off Leith Links, and explored ideas of empowerment in a variety of ways.

The group was then invited to scale their response to various questions by standing on one side of the hall or the other. Questions included "Do you understand what empowerment means? and "Do you agree with the Big Society?" But the main food for thought was provided by two interactive playlets, using the forum theatre ideas of Augusto Boal, and his concept of the Theatre of the Oppressed.
ACTive Inquiry web site >>> The End of The Tunnel directed by Gavin Chrichton

The first playlet, The End of the Tunnel, told the story of Jane (Karen Toscani), a woman rebuilding her life after coming out of an abusive marriage, which destroyed her confidence. She goes to work as a volunteer for a women's aid charity thanks to her friend Penny (Suzanne Dance). Filled with enthusiasm, she tries to put forward her scheme for a series of social activities to add value to the womens' experiences with the agency. Her friend Penny, is too preoccupied with completing a funding application to pay any attention to her ideas, and bids her to get on with the admin tasks she has been assigned as a volunteer. Jane goes over the head of Penny, to the head of the organisation, patronising and self important Caroline (Nicola Chuhan,) with demoralising consequences.

Right >>>: The supercilious Caroline (Nicola Chuhan,) gives Jane short shrift So far, so recognisable to most people who have worked in any office. Sad, but as Jane withdraws backwards to her tunnel, represented by the arms of Penny and Caroline, predictable, and decidedly every day. But.
The brilliant thing is that the audience are then invited to watch the playlet again, and to intervene with their own ideas and suggestions, as to how Jane could handle the situation differently and more effectually, with positive and successful outcomes. This became a thought provoking dialogue, as we all asked ourselves how we would approach Jane's situation, and watched various audience members try different ways of communication with Penny and Caroline, to see how they play out. Jane handed over her "scarf of office" to each new audience member, and silently observed her new self.

Right >>>: Another Jane tries a sympathetic problem sharing approach Below: A final Jane (far right) brings in other women to take on Caroline (Nicola Chuhan) and challenge her authority

The second playlet, Welcome to Hillstone, told the story of Rukiye (Sevim Inal), a Turkish woman with three ideas to develop relations between the established community and newcomers - including youth projects and family fun nights celebrating different cultures and foods.

Right >>>: A second Rukiye takes her ideas to Rodney (Nick Charles) and Jo (Barbara Munro).

Right >>>: A new Rukiye urges audience members to share her vision

The enthusiam with which the audience took on the task of trying to introduce food from cultures as diverse as Canada, Europe and Asia, was infectious, and while many people came forward to support the new "Rukiyes", and did have an impact in carrying Jo and Rodney along. Although efforts focused on persuasion, coaxing and encouragement, they also showed how overwhelming and intimidating the numbers and changing tide could be for longer established community activists.

Three action points emerged from this, and people were urged to sign up to take part in taking at least one of these forward. These included the ideas of communal gardening and flash mob play.
ACTive Inquiry web site >>>
Wikipedia article on Augusto Boal >>>
Voluntary Arts Scotland web site >>>
Below: The group reflecting on "All the things we can do to enable Leith and its residents and visitors to feel and be truly empowered"