Right >>>: The Manna House bakers confer as they judge the cake competition
The cake baking competition last year, was such a success last year, that it was always going to enter a second year. The competition was judged by the staff of The Manna House from the top of Easter Rd, and 1st prize of a £30 voucher to spend at Valvona & Crolla's (2nd prize a voucher for Nevo's at Renroc) went to the almond cake. A Spring breeze was rippling through the park, so bricks were on hand to secure the table cloths and a variety of stylish coats were on display, not least by the competition winners as they posed for photos.

Right >>>: Kids line up for a bike race.
The Bike Station were also on hand, along with Dr. Frisbee, keeping the kids away from the cake table, while the adults sampled the varied delights. The Bike Station's team of Rory, David and Remi held bike races round the park and over an obstacle course to develop coordination and balance, and Dr. Bike serviced a queue of visitors, who watched as their bikes were checked out and serviced. The team's enthusiasm for cycling and commitment to safety shone through.

Right >>>: Gordon Walls preparing the Police Box for painting
The day before, as part of the preparations for the Paint It part of the Spring Fun Day, local decorator Gordon Walls came in to restore the derelict Police Box on the corner of the Park (see above for before, and below for after). The idea of the Montgomery St Park Friends was to create a more welcoming approach to the Park, and take some initiative in bringing about the renovation of the area. Some mystery surrounds the Police Box, as its present owners are unknown.
Friends of Montgomery Street Park web site >>>
Police Box is an arresting sight after its new paint job: Evening News, March 26th >>>
The Bike Station web site >>>
Eero & Riley web site >>>
The Manna House web site >>>
The Natural Health Clinic web site>>>
Renroc Cafe & Nevo Health web site >>>
Valvona & Crolla web site >>>