The performances were rounded off by a series of short speeches. Cllr. Marjorie Thomas Mock Provost of Leith, welcomed people, and said that she liked the sound of "Provost for a day", better. Sandy Campbell, outgoing chair of the Festival passed the baton on to Leith Cllr Gordon Munro.Malcolm Chisholm, MSP celebrated the ever growing event, as did Cllr Rob Munn. MP Mark Lazarowicz flew the flag for the Campaing for a Leith Musuem and urged people to show their support by going over to the stall and signing the petition.

Right >>>: Louise Millingon (left) leads the Sunshine on Leith Pipe & Samba Band.

Right >>>: Leithers seated watching on.

Right >>>: Mark Lazarowicz calling on people to sign the petition for a Leith Museum. Edinburgh Samba School web site >>>
Louise Millington & Sunshine on Leith web site >>>
Stockbridge Pipe Band web site>>>
Edinburgh Royalettes web site >>>
Mark Lazarowicz, MP's web site >>>