Leith & North: Please email
any news items to:
From Lochend to Leith Links, the streets were
pumping with colour (continued)
Sunshine on Leith Salsa & Pipe band gave us green and the blue of the
Saltire; Edinburgh Samba School gave us scarlet, gold, orange and white, with
the players clad in the blue and the white of the Saltire.
<<<: three Edinburgh Samba School dancers keep time on Leith
Right >>>: The Larger than Life Puppeteers.
Pipe bands were represented by the green of the Sunshine on Leith Pipes and
Salsa Band, Leith Community Concert Band, the Trinity Occasional Pipers and. Stockbridge
Pipe Band. We're going to 'fess up and confess that we're not quite sure who's
who, so if anyone wants to email us, we'd be obliged!
Left <<<: Lindsay Scaffolding
sponsor a nautical, not to say, piratical theme. Right >>>: Stockbridge
Pipe Band.
Left <<<: Children from Fort Primary school celebrate the school's 40th (Ruby) Anniversary.
Right >>>: Leith Sea Cadets.
Left <<<: Members of the Citadel Youth Centre.
Right >>>: Trinity Occasional Pipers.
Left <<<: Leith Baptist Church's Brazilian Project.
Right >>>: Members
of the Open All Hours hip hop dance group..
Samba School web site >>>
Scaffolding web site >>>
Pipe Band web site>>>
Youth Centre web
site >>>