Right >>>: Owners chatting by the bench with their dogs..
The event was held during the first weekend of Leith Festival.Saturday's weather was glorious, and saw a couple of hundred people turn out for various shows.

Right >>>: Charlotte of Greener Leith shelters her puppy from the rain.
The Dog Show featured a "Waggiest Tail" contest, a "Long Distance Biscuit Catching" contest, with prizes for Best Trick, Best Dressed and Prettiest Pooch. There was a poster competition for local children to draw posters urging us to keep the streets clean. It was a truly dreich day, but it looked as if dogs and owners alike made the best of it, and had fun anyway.

Right >>>: 6 year old Skye Terrier, Kelly, brought by her owner Moira Barrass. We were also intrigued and surprised to discover that the Skye terriers (most famously Greyfriars Bobby,) are under threat of extinction.Moira Barrass brought along her own dog, Kelly to promote her cause.
Friends of Dalmeny Street Park web >>>
Elric Honore's photos on Flickr >>>
Braids Vets web site >>>
British & Irish Dog Breeds Preservation Trust web site >>>
Skye Terrier Club web site>>>