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Community Garden brings people together through the Spring and Summer
of Greener Leith, Green Seeds, and Leith Open Space joined residents of Persevere
Court to plant fruit trees to launch the creation of the Persevere Garden. The
planting took place on Wednesday March 5th, and was joined by Gordon Munro, Labour
Councillor for the Leith Ward.
Left <<<: View of the walled garden from outside
Right >>>: After the trees were planted in March .
Left <<<: Dave planting a stake
for a fruit tree
Right >>>: Sarah of Green Seeds digging.
appearances, there was much litter to be cleared away, including an aging set
of false teeth. The fruit trees came from the John Butterworth Organic Nursery
Left <<<: Gordon Munro "helping"
with the planting
Right >>>: Alastair Tibbett of Green Seeds and Dave talking
with the "Bat man", in June.
In June, some
20 people gathered to shovel top soil (arranged by Cllr Gordon Munro,) dig
trenches (veteran allotmenteer Julian showed how to do it with awesome vigour,)
and plant potatoes.
Members of the Bat Conservation Trust came along to teach
us about bats, and help us build bat boxes. It really felt like a group of people
is starting to come together, as Dawn (resident of Persevere Court showed off
her growing carrots with pride,) and the editor of Leith & North took his
opportunity to shout "Dig
for Victory!"
out how to get involved on
the Greener Leith web site >>>
Scotland Bat Conservation Group's contact details >>>