Celebrating Leith and North Edinburgh Leith Festival 2010
Leith Festival 2010
Red Leith Opening Night
Leith Pageant 2010
Leith Gala Day 2010
Performers 2010

Leith Festival 2008
Leith Festival 2009
From Lochend to Leith Links, the colours of Leith (continued) Woman (centre) with two girls holding bannner "PETER SMITH'S SUNSHINE ON LEITH PIPE BANC Sunshine on Leith Salsa & Pipe band gave us green and the blue of the Saltire; Edinburgh Samba School gave us scarlet, blue and white, with the players clad in the blue and the white of the Saltire.

Two men on bicycles , pulling trailers - one with a young woman seated, the other  with the We Heart Leith logo Boys and young teenageers marching in blue tee shirts and black trousers Left <<<: Alastair Tibbitt of Greener Leith waves as he cycles past. Right >>>:Leith Boys Brigade.
Man walking past with a  seven foot high red faced wicker puppet on his shoulders Man bows the head of his horned puppet  pointing his horns at passers by Left <<<: Edinburgh Samba School. Right >>>:Dancers from Edinburgh Samba School heading for a well earned rest.

Children in old fashioned white blouses with a banner "HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY HERMITAGE PARK Above <<<: Councillor Rob Munn with children from Hermitage Park Primary celebrating their school's centenary.

Three women dancing in blue and white costumes with blue and white feathered head dresses Drummers marching in oragnge tee shirts and white trousers Left & below <<<:Dancers from Edinburgh Samba School. Right >>>:Drummers from Edinburgh Samba School.

Citadel Youth Centre web site >>>
Edinburgh Samba School web site >>>

Women dancing along  Lins Gardens a woman in a costure  taking its colours from the Brazilian flag and a woman in red with a red and white headdress to the fore