The Leithers have landed: Leith Festival 2010 Special!
Festival 2010 ran from June 11th to 20th, starting with a spectacular Red Leith launch outside Malmaison Hotel by the Shore, and culminating in the now traditional Leith Festival Tatoo. The headline sponsor for the Festival and for Leith Gala Day this year was Scotmid.

highlight of Leith Festival is the annual Gala, but the festival continues to
grow turning into a truly Leithwide event which embraces all sorts of activities,
and many venues. To name a few, it embraces the Out of the Blue Drill Hall, Ocean
Terminal, South Leith Parish Church, the Cruz ship, Leith Community Education
Centre, the Queen Charlotte Rooms, Leith Folk Club, and the Friends of Dalmeny
Park, as well as primary schools from all over the area.

The climactic event of the Festival was the Leith Festval 2010 Tattoo, once again organised by Fred Frayling-Kelly, who received the 2nd Crocus Award in memory of Cllr Elizabeth Laidlaw.
On Leith & North's packed pages, you will find pictures of the Leith Festival launch - Red Leith, as well as pictures of the Leith Pageant, stalls and Leithers enjoying Leith Gala Day, and pictures of performers including Edinburgh Samba School, Leith Community Concert Band, the Peter Smith Sunshine on Leith Pipe and Samba Band, Pulse of the Place Drummers and Twisted Tails American Tribal Style belly dancers (pictured top)..
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