More pictures of Red Leith: Leith Festival Opening Night 2010 on Leith & North >>>
Beat it (the Pulse of the Place Samba Band and Louise Marshall Millington of the Sunshine on Leith Pipe Band brought the music and the brio while Twisted Tails, the Helwa Hurdies and Four Ladies from Leith brought belly dancing spectacle and colour to Red Leith, for the Leith Festival 2010 Opening Night. Other performers included Vocal Vibes from Lorne Primary and Steven Smith & Friends.

Right >>>: Some relatives enjoying the performance. Vocal Vibes are a small choir of Primary 6 and & 7 year children from Lorne Primary. They are conducted by Martin Ritchie, Director of music at Pilrig St Paul's Church, on Leith Walk.

Right >>>: Martin Ritchie conducts pupils from Lorne Primary.

Right >>>:Twisted Tails.

Right >>>: Two women enjoy a glass of wine and the show outside Hotel Malmaison.

More pictures of Red Leith: Leith Festival 2010 Opening Night on Leith & North >>>
Leith Festival web site >>>
Louise Marshall Millington & Sunshine on Leith web site >>>
Pulse of the Place on MySpace >>>
Twisted Tails on facebook >>>