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Return of The Soul: The Nakbah Project (Edinburgh
July 31st to August 18th 2008) continued
of the Soul - the Nakbah Project, is a moving artwork comprised of thousands
of small wax figures creating an illussion of exodus. The
artwork is truly three dimensional and evokes the flight of thousands of people
down an uneven hill. To create this effect, each figure has its own place on
one of the 142 rows of the grid - on the left or the right. And, as the hill
is uneven, and of course, has a gradient, each figure is suspended at a different
height, it's feet touching the invisible hill beneath.
Left <<<: Figures being handed down from the platform
Right >>>: Trude, an unknown woman, Robyn, Mohammed and Pippa.
So, as figures were handed down to a helper, the helper had to record the height
of the figure, the length of the wire, the row number of the figure, and whether
it was on the left or the right. Then the figure was wrapped, labelled and handed
across to be catalogued and packed, so that when it arrives in Beirut, everyone
can work out where it has to go. Otherwise much of the shape, the mood and the
effect of the installation would be lost. One helper spoke of how moved she was
each time she wrapped a figure, describing it as "a soulful moment".
Left <<<: Alan taking down the
wire mesh (in a rare sighting without his hard hat!).
Right >>>: The End! Left to right; Neville (still working,)
Phil, Trude, Iain, Gordon, (at the back,) Jean, (in the stripes,) Pippa, and
Around twenty people completed some two months' work in two
days, with patience, commitment, caffeine, Wassim's fine food from El-Daar's,
the odd fish supper and remarkably few grumpy words. Music helped the team along
during the unistall, and figures were lowered and packed away to the accompaniment
of Moishe's Bagel, Gwen Stefani, Joni Mitchell, REM and David Bowie. Leith &
North's correspondent was proud to be involved, and enjoyed the esprit de corp
created by everyone's desire to show the people of Palestine that the world is
mindful of them and supports them, as they suffer and struggle.
Left <<<: Some of the team celebrate the finish in
El-Daar's Lebanese cafe, based in Theatre Workshop
Right >>>: Trude and Pippa chat with Cecelia Yu, the artist
behind the succeeding exhibition.
As the end drew near, Jane and the team imagined the future travels of the figures
(with their little passports,) as they travel on from Beirut and Amman. We hoped
that they would travel round the great cities of the world. So wherever you might
be reading this, be it Perth or Istanbul, or Washington, or Wales, we at Leith
& North hope that one day you will get a chance to meet the figures and hear
their stories.
Gallery web site >>>
of the Soul web site >>>
Art Festval
web site >>>
nightmare of shattered lives: The Scotsman, July 24th >>>
article on the Auschwitz concentration camp >>>